21700 and 18650 Li-ion Batteries

In today’s technology-driven world, there is a constant competition between power and portability. At the forefront of this competition are two types of lithium-ion batteries: 21700 and 18650. These powerful batteries power our devices, from electric cars to power tools and more. Let’s delve into the intricate details of 21700 and 18650 lithium-ion batteries to understand their functions, differences, and applications.

18650 battery and 21700 battery are two common lithium-ion battery models used in various electronic devices and electric vehicles. Their main difference is size and capacity.

  • 18650 battery: 18 mm in diameter and 65 mm in length. It is a mature and widely used battery, commonly found in laptops, power tools, and some electronic cigarette devices.
  • 21700 battery: 21 mm in diameter and 70 mm in length. Compared with 18650, 21700 battery has a larger volume and higher energy density, and has become increasingly popular in electric vehicles and high-performance battery packs in recent years.

Performance comparison:

  • Capacity: 21700 batteries typically have a larger capacity than 18650 batteries, generally between 3000mAh and 5000mAh, while 18650 batteries typically have a capacity between 1800mAh and 3500mAh. The larger capacity means that 21700 batteries can provide longer use time and greater energy reserves.
  • Energy density: Due to the larger volume, 21700 batteries generally have a higher energy density than 18650 batteries. This makes 21700 batteries perform better in applications that require high energy density, such as electric vehicles and energy storage systems.
  • Discharge rate: 21700 batteries tend to have a higher discharge rate, which means they can provide a larger current output in a short period of time, suitable for high-power applications.


  • 18650 batteries: Due to their small size and mature technology, they are widely used in laptops, power tools, flashlights and some portable devices. They are highly standardized and easy to replace and maintain.
  • 21700 batteries: Due to their higher capacity and energy density, they are gradually becoming the first choice for electric vehicles, energy storage systems and high-performance electronic devices. They provide longer battery life and higher power output, suitable for application scenarios that require large power and high power.


Battery Charging and safety:

  • Charging speed: Due to their larger size, 21700 batteries can usually support higher charging currents and achieve faster charging speeds. 18650 batteries charge relatively slowly, but are sufficient to meet most application needs.
  • Safety: The safety of both batteries depends on manufacturing quality and usage conditions. Good battery design and protection circuits can effectively reduce safety hazards such as overcharging, over-discharging and short circuits. Due to the larger size of 21700 batteries, they usually perform better in thermal management and mechanical strength.

21700 and 18650 lithium-ion batteries each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the right battery depends on the specific application requirements. With its higher capacity and energy density, 21700 batteries are suitable for high-power, high-energy applications. On the other hand, 18650 batteries continue to play an important role in a variety of devices due to their mature technology and wide application. Understanding their characteristics and applicable fields will help you make the best choice in different applications.



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